Elham HistorIcal SOCIETyA History Research Group for Elham

Enemy Prisoners of War - POW

George Crow remembers the German prisoners of war:

The government had a scheme in the wartime that if farmers wanted extra labour, harvest time, or threshing time, then you could apply to have German prisoners of war, who were actually billeted at Wootton, which is not far from us. Being a boy, all Germans to us boys were bad, you know. That was the enemy.

Understandable now, isn’t it. But of course when some of these chaps came and worked on the farm, they played football with us and you know they were very friendly chaps and good workers. My father liked them because they worked so hard, they did work very hard. 

When I say they were billeted, they weren’t locked in or anything. They could roam about and they used to go down the pub and one thing and another.

And they used to call in at our place sometimes on a Sunday and have a bit of tea with us.

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